Created by Dagon81
Converted up to TripleA 1.2.x.x by Veqryn.
Allies must capture all 3 cities to win. Germans win by preventing their capture for 20 turns, or something like that. I don't really know this map ;p
attack/defense/movement/cost - unit
0/0/5/2 - truck
1/2/5/3 - infantry
2/2/5/3 - airborne
2/2/5/4 - artillery (supports infantry)
2/3/5/5 - mechanized
3/3/5/6 - tank (blitz)
2/0/20/6 - fighter
4/0/20/12 - bomber
0/0/1/5 - AAgun (shoots at air)
Nations: British Germans Americans
Units: fighter bomber infantry armour artillery aaGun airborne mechanized truck