October 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis
Instead of following demands by the U.S. to remove missles in Cuba, Cuba is aligned with the United Soviet Socialist Republics(USSR) to not follow those orders, which then leads to war between the North Atlantic Trade Organisation(NATO) members and the Warsaw-Pact members including Cuba.
=Axis: U.S.S.R. and Satellite States(Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary Bulgaria)
=N.A.T.O.: Americans, North Atlantic Forces(NAF: Canada, UK, Portugal, Iceland), Western Front Forces(WFF: West Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway), France, Italy, and Eastern Front Forces(EFF:Greece and Turkey)
Capitals: USSR=Moscow Satellites=Warsaw US=Washington D.C. NAF=London WFF=Amsterdam France=Paris Italy=Rome EFF=Istanbul
Nations: USSR. Americans, NAF, French, Satellites, WFF, Italians EFF