Axis & Allies Wiki

This is the current list of all HARDCODED techs that come with TripleA --> -- superSub requires all isSub units to have a "_ss" image variant --> <techname name="superSub"/>

-- jetPower requires all non-isStrategicBomber units to have a "_jp" image variant (and "_lr_jp") --> <techname name="jetPower"/>

<techname name="shipyards"/>

-- aARadar requires all isAA units to have a "_r" image variant (and "rockets_r") --> <techname name="aARadar"/>

-- longRangeAir requires all isAir units to have a "_lr" image variant (and "_lr_jp" OR "_lr_hb") --> <techname name="longRangeAir"/>

-- heavyBomber requires all isStrategicBomber units to have a "_hb" image variant (and "_lr_hb") --> <techname name="heavyBomber"/>

<techname name="improvedArtillerySupport"/>

-- rocket requires all isAA units to have a "rockets" image variant (and "rockets_r") --> <techname name="rocket"/>

<techname name="paratroopers"/>

-- increasedFactoryProduction requires all isFactory units to have a "_it" image variant (and "_hit" and "_it_hit") --> <techname name="increasedFactoryProduction"/>

<techname name="warBonds"/>

<techname name="mechanizedInfantry"/> -- this is an example of renaming a technology. the first part is the new name, the second is the old name (the hardcoded tech's name) --> <techname name="destroyersCanBombard" tech="destroyerBombard"/>

-- industrial technology replaces a users production frontier with one called productionIndustrialTechnology (and i don't use it in this map) <techname name="industrialTechnology"/> -->
