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Download: Repository/Experimental/Invasion USA

Version 2.5.0 |}

The economy of the world is in turmoil! The United States of America, against the advice of the United Nations, has continued their development of Advance Laser Technology.
As the first tower nears completion, many European, Asian and third world nations begin recalling their diplomats home.
Now the world waits... Will you deploy that first laser...

Apocalypse'Map OptionsAdd fifth Player (Northern)' Checked---- Objectives

  • Americans player objective: control at least 13 cities until turn 12
  • Invading player(s) objective: conquer and hold at least 18 cities at the end of the Americans turn

What Happens After...

  • The Americans can purchase their reinforcements with no limits
  • The Invaders become enemies and they use PUs with no unit limits

Invasion USA Team: Author: Hobbes__
Images: Dagon81
Testing & Ideas: Pwnator
Additional xml: wc_sumpton


  • The Asian Alliance (Western)
  • The People's Liberation Front (Southern)
  • The Euro-Hegemony (Eastern)
  • Americans

Game Play

  • Initial Deployment Phase
  • Aquire Reinforcements
  • Deploy Reinforcements
  • Combat Movement
  • Combat
  • Non-Combat Movement

The Resource Bar----


This is the amount of PUs you have left so spend on reinforcements

Victory Cities

This is the number of Victory Cities that were controlled since the end of your last turn.


Invaders: Shows the number of Infantry left that can be purchase
Americans: Show how many Infantry you can purchase


Invaders: Shows the number of Mechanized left that can be purchase
Americans: Show how many Mechanized you can purchase


Invaders: Shows the number of Armor left that can be purchase
Americans: Show how many Armor you can purchase


Invaders: Shows the number of Helicopters left that can be purchase
Americans: Show how many Helicopters you can purchase


Invaders: Shows the number of Bombers left that can be purchase
Americans: Show how many Bombers you can purchase
Invaders: Shows the number of turns left to bring in Reinforcements
Americans: Show how many Reinforcement/Tech Roll you will receive

The Combat Units----

Image Name At/Df/Mv Cost Special
Infantry 3/3/1 3PUs 1IUs Limit 24
Mechanized 3/3/2 4PUs 1MUs Limit 9
Armor 5/5/2 5PUs 1AUs Limit 12
Can Blitz
Helicopter 5/5/6(3) 8PUs 1HUs Limit 9
Bomber 7/7/8(4) 12PUs 1BUs Limit 6
Limit is the total number of that unit that the Invaders have. The Invaders are given 8 Infantry, 3 Mechanized, 4 Armor, 3 Helicopters and 2 Bombers, for a total of 20 units.
The Invaders will also receive 16 IUs, 6 MUs, 8 AUs, 6 HUs and 4 BUs at the start of the game. Starting on the 2ed round, the Invaders will receive 8PUs. Using 1 PUs and 1 IUs the may purchase a single Infantry Unit.
Every combat unit cost 1 PUs and 1 of the corresponding resource. IUs not spent will be removed at the end of the round, with another 8 IUs given at the begining of each round until round 10. On round 10 a message will inform you that this is the last round to bring in your remaining reinforcements.
Bid units do not cost resources since you pay full PUs price for each unit.

To the Americans this Limit is the total number of that type of unit it can have on the map a any time and they start with all 60 unit in play. Bid unit are the only exception to this rule and only during the Bid process. Once the Bid process is over, those unit will count against the unit limit.

Helicopters move 6 but can only move 3 during Combat Movement
Bombers move 8 but can only move 4 during Combat Movement

American Only Units
Militia 5/3/1 6PUs -- Only 2 Militia can stack together
Laser Tower 0/0/0 25PUs -- Given During Deployment
Strike 7/0/99 5PUs -- One for each tower owned
There are no Limits to the above units. The Militia unit may be given during reinforcements, but can never be purchased. One Laser Tower is give the Americans at the beginning of their turn every round, as long as they own at least 13 Victory Cities. And 1 Strike Token is given for each Laser Tower the Americans own, plus 1 for the new tower if they have 13 or more Victory Cities.
Invader Only Units
Truck 0/0/0 25PUs -- Allows the Deployment of 5 units
Transport 0/0/0 25PUs -- Allows the Deployment of 5 units
These units are placed on the map to mark the location where the Invaders may deploy their units

Initial Deployment Phase----


  1. Deploy initial Laser Tower into one of the 30 Victory Cities
  2. Deploy initial 60 combat unit into the 30 Victory Cities. Placing 2 units on each location.
  3. Purchase Bid combat units
  4. Deploy Bid combat units. Placing no more the 1 unit on any territory. May place unit in Victory Cities.


  1. Purchase Bid combat units
  2. Deploy Bid combat units and 20 more combat units into your Deployment Zones. Can not place more then 5 units in each zone

Note: All unplaced units are removed from play. Aquire Reinforcements---- Invaders:

  1. At the begining of the game each Invading Player received 16IUs, 6MUs, 8AUs, 6HUs, and 4BUs to use for purchasing reinforcements.
  2. Begining in round 2, and ending in round 10, each Invading Player will receive 8PUs.
  3. Purchase combat units (ie: 1PUs+1IUs=1 Infantry, 1PUs+1MUs=1 Mechanized, etc...)

Note: All unspent PUs are removed from play. Americans:

  1. Tech Roll for each Reinforcement Token located on the 'Northern Command' territory
    • You receive 2 Reinforcement Tokens at the end of each turn as long as you maintain control of 3 Victory Cities
    • You also receive 1 Reinforcement Token for the Liberation of a Victory City
  2. Purchase combat units (ie: 1PUs+1IUs=1 Infantry, 1PUs+1MUs=1 Mechanized, etc...)
    • Militia units are give to the American Player.
    • A Laser Tower is given if you have maintained controlled of at least 13 Victory Cities
    • Strike Tokens are placed in 'Northern Command'. 1 for each tower you.

Note: All unspent resources are removed from play. Deploy Reinforcements---- Invaders:

  • Deploy Reinforcements into your Deployment Zones.
  • You can not stack more then 5 units in each zone

Note: All unplaced units are removed from play Americans

Territory Control Markers





  • You can deploy 1 Reinforcement Unit into:
    • Any territory you controll
    • Unoccupied Enemy controlled territories
    • Additionally by Tech/Reinforcement
      1. Occupied Resources
      2. Occupied Cities with Enemy Infantry present
  • You can not stack more then 5 units in a territory
  • You can not have more the 2 Militia units in a territory
    • You may have other units stacked with Militia.
  • Laser Tower must be placed inside a controlled Victory City
    • That Victory City must not already contain a Laser Tower
    • The Laser Tower counts against the 1 unit placement
    • Already placed Laser Towers do not count against the 5 unit stacking limit

Note: All unplaced units are removed from play. Combat Movement---- You may move some, none or all of your units into contested territories

  • Helicopters can only move 3 territories during Combate Movement
  • Bombers can only move 4 territories during Combate Movement
  • You can not move through a controlled territory that already contains 5 friendly units
    • Militia Units can not move through a controlled territory that contains 2 Militia units
  • you can leave a contested territory and enter a controlled uncontested territory
  • You can not leave a contested territory and enter another contested territory
  • Any unit that can reach a contested territory may enter that territory

Combat---- Battling in contested territory

  • There is no limit to the number of units in a contested territory
  • Attacking into a Mountain territory incurs a -1 to the attack
  • Militia receive a +1 to their defense in City/Mountain territories
  • Attacking into a Victory City incurs a -1 to the attack
  • Attacking with different types of units receive a +1 to the attack
  • Battles end after 1 round

Non-Combat Movement---- Non-Combat Movement is handled like Combat Movement except

  • You may only move those units that did not move during Combat Movement
  • You may not enter into any uncontrolled territory
  • Air units that took part in an uncontrolled contested battle must also move
    • Helicopters can move an additional 3 territories (total movement of 6)
    • Bombers can move an additional 4 territories (total movement of 8)

Note:Any air unit that has not moved to a territory that was controlled at the start of the turn, will be removed from play Etc...---- Liberating a Victory City for Reinforcement Tokens There are 3 test for Liberating a Victory City

  1. Did a battle take place in the Victory City during the Americans turn
  2. Do the Americans have control of the Victory City
  3. There are no enemy units in the Victory City

Controlled and contested territories

  • Americans can deploy to controlled contested territories that have less the 5 American units in them
  • Militia units can be deployed to controlled contested territories as long as there are less then 2 Militia units there
  • Air units can move to controlled contested territories during Non-Combat Movement as long a there are less then 5 friendly units there

Map Options---- Bids

  • Place Bid amounts for each player here: Default 0

Low Luck

  • Use Low Luck rules for battles: Default Unchecked (False)

Land Battle Rounds

  • Number of rounds use to determine a battles outcome: Default 1 (Change to -1 to allow the battle to continue until there is a winner)

AI Bonus Attack AI Bonus Defense

  • Amount to be added to AI Attack/Defense Rolls: Default 0 (Can set to 0, 1, 2)

Turn Off Tutorial Notifications

  • Turns off in game tutorial system: Default Checked (True)

Turn Off Story Notifications

  • Turns off the game messaging system: Default Unchecked (False)

Transport Infantry

  • Allows Mechanized and Helicopters to transport Infantry/Militia units at 1 to 1: Default Unchecked(False)
  • (can be set for AI play)

No Reinforcement

  • Uses only the starting units and Bid units during the game: Default Unchecked (False)
  • (can be set for AI play)

No Laser Tower for Americans

  • Americans do not have access to the Laser Tower and Strike Token: Default Unchecked (False)
  • (can be set for AI play)

Add 1 Extra American Reinforcement/TechRoll

  • Three Reinforcement Token will be placed on 'Northern Command': Default Unchecked (False - Stays at 2 tokens)
  • (can be set for AI play)

Retain Unused American Resources

  • Unspent PUs, IUs, etc... are kept by the American Player to use later in the game: Default Unchecked (False)
  • (No effect for AI)

Add American Reinforcements to Purchase

  • All Tech Roll/Reinforcements are given to the Americans: Default Unchecked (False)
  • (Used automaticly for American AI player)

Add fifth Player (Northern)

  • Add the Euro-Asian Group (Northern Player): Default Unchecked (False)
    1. Northern Deployment Zones are located in Canada
    2. Invaders start with 15 combat units, purchased from the original 20 units
    3. Invaders receive 9PUs per turn
  • (can be set for AI play)

Invaders use forward Landing Zones

  • Allows the player to deploy the reinforcements at certain Victory Cities: Default Unchecked (False)
    • Western uses Seattle
    • Southern uses San Antonio
    • Eastern uses Atlanta
    • Northern uses Minneapolis (If fifth player is added)
  • (can be set for AI play)

The following options allow the Invaders to purchase the reinforcements by just using PUs (ie 3PUs Infantry, 4PUs Mechanized etc...)
(Have no effect on Invader AI) Asian Alliance (Western) uses PUs to buy reinforcements: Default Unchecked (False) People's Liberation Front (Southern) uses PUs to buy reinforcements: Default Unchecked (False) Euro-Hegemony (Eastern) uses PUs to buy reinforcements: Default Unchecked (False) Euro-Asian Group (Northern) uses PUs to buy reinforcements: Default Unchecked (False) (If fifth player is added) AI Players---- This game tries to detect when there are AI players and set gameplay accordingly

  • Helicopters move 4 during Combat Movement and an additional 2 (total movement 6) during Non-Combat Movement
  • Bombers move 6 during Combat Movement and an additional 2 (total movement 8) during Non-Combat Movement

American AI:

  • The AI does not purchase Reinforcements ('Add American Reinforcements to Purchase')
  • The AI places it 'Strike Tokens' on the map. Strike Tokens are not preplaced in 'Northern Command'

Invader AI

  • Will always bring in the maximum allow units during the 'Reinforcement Phase' (8 or 9)

Nations: Americans Western Southern Eastern Northern Neutral

Units:militia infantry mechanized armor helicopter bomber laser strike truck transport reinforce ownerWestern ownerSouthern ownerEastern ownerNorthern

Invasion USA