Axis & Allies Wiki


       New World Order 1914-18[]

Version 1.1 modified by: AdolfLebowski

The idea is to create a map focusing on balance and gameplay; this version adds
3 new powers to spice up diversity playing, thinned out the old units structure
a bit to simplify things and better represent national advantage. Turn orders
please also refer to the stats menu from top to bottom.

=========Notable Changes======[]

->-previous unfavorable units (especially for experienced players) have better
cost-effectiveless, detail please see below units chart);

->-battleship/cruiser are more powerful and expensive to reflect their capital
ship status

->-WesternFront is more static and simpler, Eastern front more dynamic.

American involvement is delayed, american player remember to buy factory first!

->-significantly better quality German intial army;

->-Greece/Serbia as a playable nation to add more game dynamics and historical.

->-French capital moved from Paris to Toulouse, in case of a rapid German attack.

->-Added Central power seazone to reflect allied naval blockade. 14+% income!!!

->-Factory price gone up to 20 PUs.

->-Added Alps, it blocks all access to Switz/Austria-Veneza/Austria-Muenchen.

====Recommended house rules===[]

->- no stacking of bunkers, the rule is 1 bunker 1 terrory per turn.
->-it is recommended that heavyunits (Tanks) should be restricted as bunker rule,

Central Powers Entente Powers
German Empire Russian Empire
Austrian-Hungarian Empire United Kingdom
Ottoman Empire France/U.S./Italy

Unit size should be 56.25%-66% to look best.

=================== Units Stat:===============

Unit name cost att def move tranCost tranCap ability
Infantry 2 1 2 1 2 art-suportable
artillery 4 2 2 1 3 artillery
Tank 10 2 3 1 5 artillery/2 hits
Cavalry 3 1 1 2 2 arti-supportable
Destroyer 6 2 2 2
sub 6 2 2 2 sub
bunker 5 0 2 0 0 2hit,1 per terr/rd
Fighter 8 3 3 3
AAGUN 5 0 0 1 2 AA
Cruiser 9 3 3 2
BattleCruiser 14 4 4 2 bombardment
battleship 20 4 4 2 bombard/2 hits/artillery
transport 10 0 1 2 5
Unit name cost att def move tranCost tranCap ability

=========Speical Units stats===========

Unit name cost att def move tranCost tranCap ability
StormTrooper 4 2 2 2 2 art-suportable
Elite Cossack 6 3 2 3 3 art-suportable
Big_Bertha 8 5 4 1 5 artillery
Veteran 4 2 3 1 3 art-suportable
AdvancedFighter 10 3 4 4
advancedTank 12 3 4 1 5 artillery
Zeppelin 15 4 1 6 strategicBomber
HeavyCavalry 6 3 3 2 3
GasInfantry 4 4 0 1 3
MustardGasInfantry 5 5 0 1 3
Early Carrier 18 1 2 2 carrier
advancedDestroyer 9 2 3 2 anti-sub
Super Dreadnought 25 5 5 2 2 artillery/transport
Unit name cost att def move tranCost tranCap ability

=====General Hints and strategies for beginners======

For more Triplea maps please visit :

