Axis & Allies Wiki
Stellar forces

Stellar Forces version 0.8.3 by Zim Xero for TripleA

Multiplayer four faction map with 128 dual scrolling space zones each linked to one planetary zone. Players begin with one planet from which to expand. Stellar forces must be unzipped to main triplea map folder in order to activate customized future game sound.

WINNING The first player with more than 50 production wins.

PUs PUs are not generated by production values. Instead:
Each Homeworld Capital produces 4 PUs, its Stellar zone produces 2 PUs.
Each small diamond on the map produces 1 PUs per round.
Large diamonds in stellar zones produce 2 PUs per round.
Any population on a planet doubles its PUs generation.
Any planet with enemy mines in its orbit will produce -1 PUs per round.

POPULATION Four types of population tokens are the only land units.
Homeworld capitals produce one population unit each round.
Population presence allows planets to produce units like factories.

AA BONUSES Mines receive a bonus 1D6 first shot defense versus cruisers.
Cruisers receive a bonus 1D6 first shot defense versus starfighters.
Carriers receive a bonus 1D6 first shot defense versus battleships.

SPECIAL BONUSES Starbases give ships a +1 move bonus, starfighters a +3 move bonus.
Starbases and carriers give starfightes a +3 move bonus and scrambling.
Starfighters are +1 attack and +1 defense in space.
All population types are +1 defense when on homeworlds.

TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES espionage = each level reduces other faction incomes by -2 PUs

starfighter2 = 2 movement, but does not add to bonus movement - receives +1 defense from starbase x1
starfighter3 = 3 movement, but does not add to bonus movement - receives +2 defense from starbase x1
starfighter4 = 4 movement, but does not add to bonus movement - receives +3 defense from starbase x1
starfighter5 = +2 movement from starbases and carriers, scramble=2

battleship2 = 2 hit
battleship3 = gives 5 armaments +1 defense
battleship4 = 2 movement, no bonus movement, gives one armament +1 attack
battleship5 = receive bonus movement, gives one armament +2 attack

carrier2 = gives fighters +1 defense - carries 2 fighters, moves armaments, -1 transport capacity
carrier3 = 2 movement, no bonus movement- carries 3 fighters
carrier4 = receive bonus movement - carries 4 fighters
carrier5 = gives fighters +1 attack - carries 5 fighters

cruiser2 = 2 movement, no bonus movement- carries 2 units
cruiser3 = receive bonus movement - carries 3 units
cruiser4 = +1 att/def to other cruisers(wolfpack)
cruiser5 = mine immunity - gain anti-stealth

ascendancy = locks technological progress for all players(not yet coded).

MORE BEING CODED o adding perfectly aligned more compact placement for planets - 2 rows each
o adding diplomacy for PvP games
o adding +1 PUs generation per starbase in a large stellar resource zone
o adding solo practice mode capability
o adding game winning notifications
o some game balancing, sound and art improvement remaining
