== Twilight Imperium (kind of) 1.0 by Geno33== v.1.1
This is an adaptation of the board game Twilight Imperium and it plays quite a bit differently from Axis and Allies. An explanation of the rules and a brief tutorial is provided lower down in this post. Some basic info:
The map is setup with 2 factions, free-for-all.
Everything you do has a cost in this game - and PUs and unit placement is not handled like Axis and Allies. A player card for each faction is located near their homeworld to enable you to easily keep track of: resources, unit caps, and Victory Points.
The Current Unit Stats
This table is located in the upper left of the playing area for reference while playing.
The 2 Resources Associated with Planets/Stations
Below the names of the various planets and stations on the playing area there are 1 or 2 numbers.
The yellow (left) number represents the PU value of the territory. PU is tapped to purchase units and to full-fill certain Objectives for Victory Points.
The red (right) number represents the Influence value of the territory. Influence is tapped to convert into Tactical or Fleet Supply Counters (more detail further down) and to full-fill certain Objectives for Victory Points.
The Player Card
I'll go through this row by row, from top to bottom.
Tactical and Fleet Supply
These are combined as you may move counters from one to the other as you wish during your turn. Everything you do in a given hex, except for moving-out of a hex or picking-up ground forces/interceptors, will cost you 1 Tactical Point.
Once spent a point goes back into the Counter Pool.
Fleet supply is equal to the maximum number of capital ships you are legally allowed to have in a hex. Capital ships are Destroyers and above.
Players start with a certain amount in each, and at the start of each round (after the first) they gain two additional points from the Counter Pool that they can place in Tactical or Fleet Supply as they wish.
Additional counters may be gained by tapping Influence. You receive 1 counter for every 3 Influence you tap.
Influence is gained by taking territory with the red Influence value associated with it.
Influence gained starts Tapped.
Influence can be tapped to convert into counters for Tactical/Fleet Supply, or tapped to full-fill certain Objectives to gain Victory Points.
In the above example, if Green wanted to tap 3 Influence they'd simply move 3 counters into the pool and move 3 tapped counters from the pool into the Influence area.
Tapped Influence becomes un-tapped at the start of each round.
Influence is associated with particular planet - you are really tapping a planet, which includes its PU value if it has any. Keep this in mind.
Counter Pool Think of this simply as your pile of little cardboard pieces used to keep track of the other stats on the player card.
PU is gained by taking territory with the yellow PU value associated with it.
PU gained starts Tapped.
PUs can be tapped to place units, or tapped to full-fill certain Objectives to gain Victory Points.
In the above example, if Green wanted to tap 3 PUs they'd simply move 3 counters into the pool and move 3 tapped counters from the pool into the PUs area.
Tapped PU becomes un-tapped at the start of each round.
PU is associated with particular planet - you are really tapping a planet, which includes its Influence value if it has any. Keep this in mind.
A faction reaching 8, 10 or 14 Victory Points wins the game. (More points obviously extends the game length)
Victory Points are gained by claiming Objectives. (more detail further down)
The Force Pool
The Force Pool is your bag of plastic units.
A faction is limited to have these forces on the play area as a maximum:
-2 Dreadnoughts
-5 Battlecruisers
-8 Destroyers
-8 Frigates
-4 Fleet Carriers
-6 Planetary Defenses
-3 Factory Complexes
-4 Heavy Armour
-Infantry and Interceptors are not considered limited.
In the above image, you can see that Green already has 1 Planetary Def, 1 Carrier, 1 Factory and 1 Destroyer on the play area.
When you deploy units, they come from the Force Pool.
When a (limited) unit is destroyed, add it back into the Force Pool w/ the editor.
Objective Cards
Objective Cards are located in the bottom right of the board. As you can see, there are two sets of cards worth 1 VP and 2 VP respectively.
A faction may claim 1 objective per game round, and may not choose the same objective more than one per game.
When you claim an Objective, use edit mode to add a counter (don't try to move one from your Pool) beside the card, then move the value of the card (in counters from your pool) to the VP area of your Player Card.
An example Round of Play
Start of Round 1, Green Turn.
[5] This shows Green starting forces and their current PU and Influence counts.
-Green picks-up 3 ground troops and two interceptors from Winnu, their home planet.
-Green moves their loaded carrier and the destroyer 1 hex over and lands troops. This costs 1 Tactical point so they move a counter from the Tactical area back into the pool on their Player Card.
-Green gains 3 PU and 1 Influence from this planet, so they move 3 tapped counters into the PU area and 1 tapped counter into the Influence area on their Player Card.
-Green has performed an action, so now the next player takes their turn.
-Green decides to purchase a second carrier. Deploying costs a Tactical point so they move a counter back into their pool.
-A carrier costs 3 PUs. Green taps their home system for 3 PUs and doing so they also tap it's 4 Influence. Tapped counters from the pool replace the un-tapped ones that went into the pool. -Green has a single Tactical point remaining, but has no legal actions left to perform on the board.
-All hexes containing Green forces have had a Tactical point spent on them and Green ships can not move into or out of these hexes. Neither could units be deployed again in the home system, a hex may not have more than one Green point spent on it.
-Green checks the Objective Cards, but has not full filled any o them, so gains no VPs.
-Green therefore passes.
-Once all the players have passed the round is over.
-All the other factions have passed and a new turn in a new round begins for Green.
-Because this is a new round Green un-taps their resources, and receives 2 counters from their Pool to place in Fleet Supply or Tactical as they wish. In this case Green put them into Tactical.
Some Rules to Remember
-A planet with no PU value cannot produce units.
-Factories can place units numbered the planets PU value +3
-Factories can not produce space units if an enemy space unit is present in the hex containing that factory.
-You may spend 1 Tactical point to transfer forces between two adjacent hexes and to produce units in one of these hexes. Both must contain at least 1 unit controlled by the current player and contain no enemy units of any kind. For the rest of the round consider that you have spent a Tactical point on both hexes.
-You only spend a point on the destination hex when moving.
-Damaged ships are repaired at the end of a round, not a turn. You'll have to do this with the editor.
Have fun, comments are welcome.
Nations: Red Blue
Units: Trooper HeavyArmour Destroyer Frigate BattleCruiser Dreadnought FleetCarrier Interceptor FactoryComplex PlanetaryDefenses Counter CounterTapped