---WORLD AT WAR---[]
---World At War Variant - v3---[]
========== CREDITS ============[]
Based on SIEGs WORLD AT WAR map
Adopted by sneakingcoward, mail suggestions to wgbt@gmx.at
Updates are available at:
and tripleamaps.
Last update: 2015-12-28, v1.6.0
Game engine required.
Due that transport engine is in development, correct
transporting has to be checked manually.
Regarding Airtransport and Landtransport, see Unit Rules.
=========== RULES =============[]
Rules of v3 and technology extensions apply.
Paratrooper, Mechan.Inf, etc...
Strat. bombing with fighter interception.
Air battle before normal battle.
Battle rounds default to 4.
---(1)-------- Construction and Demolition Rules ------------
Factory and bunker are placed normal in place turn,
only when a Construction unit is present.
One Bunker can be placed per Construction.
Factory placed in own capital also without Construction
unit (Done manually with edit).
Bunkers can be placed only in own territories owned
at the start of the turn, equivalent to Factory placement.
Factories only for territories with minimum 2 PU.
Vehicle, Aircraft and Shipyard are produced by Factory.
Are needed to place units.
At place turn before unit placement, Factory,
Vehicle, Aircraft and Shipyard can be destroyed.
Useful at a retreat to leave nothing behind.
Done manually with edit.
In same round captured structures are NOT allowed to destroy.
---(2)-------------- Capture Rules -----------------
Factory, AAGun, Construction, LandTransport are destroyed
when captured. Also PU's are destroyed.
Vehicle, Aircraft and Shipyard are captured.
Neutrals PU's are captured.
When 1 capital is controlled PU's maintain.
---(3)---------------- Unit Rules -------------------
Airtransport ----:
Infantry, Paratrooper, Defense can be airlifted in
NonCombat. Only Paratrooper can be airlifted and
attack in Combat mode.
Has to be checked by the player.
Landtransport ----:
Halftrack only Inf+Para+Art+Defense+AAGun.
LandTransport in NonCombat Landunit+AAGun.
LandTransport CAN move in just captured territories.
Train in NonCombat Landunit+AAGun+Construction.
Train CAN NOT move in just captured territories.
Defense NO own movement, only transported.
Has to be checked by the player.
Movement of transport doesn't stop with unloading.
Seatransport ----:
Only units from a LandingBoat can invade amphibious.
SeaTransport and Cruiser only unloading to an occupied territory.
Strategic bombing, incl. destruction ----:
SBR done to AAGun, Train, Construction, Bunker, Vehicle, Aircraft, Shipyard,
and Factory.
To avoid destruction build more units (Factories max. 1),
otherwise 1 turn without unit placement.
Factory bombed according v3 rules incl. destruction.
Max. bombing damage, afterwards destruction ----:
AAGun 6, Train 12, Construction 6, Bunker 6,
Vehicle 10, Aircraft 12, Shipyard 15.
Factory 3 times territory PU.
Multiple hitPoints ----:
Multiple hitPoints units are marked with a red triangle in the upper red corner.
Normal units have 1 hitPoint.
BigArmour, SuperSub, Cruiser and Carrier have 2.
Bunker, BigCarrier and Battleship have 3.
Carrier (damage1) and BigCarrier (damage2) have CombatDamage,
this means unitsMayNotLandOnCarrier and unitsMayNotLeaveAlliedCarrier.
======== CONNECTIONS =======[]
Bosperus: Istanbul to Ankara no land connection, only by sea.
Bosperus channel is open.
Suez and Panama channel.
Alle straits marked with blue dot (map details) are open.
=========== UNITS ============[]
Structure Units ---------------------
Bunker and Factory needs Construction.
Vehicle, Aircraft and Shipyard needs Factory.
Bunker.............. 0-0-0 # C4 # Hit 3
Factory............. 0-0-0 # C25 #
Vehicle.............. 0-0-0 # C10 # Place vehicle Landunits
Aircraft............. 0-0-0 # C12 # Place Airunits
Shipyard............ 0-0-0 # C15 # Place Seaunits
Land Units ----------------------
Vehicle units need Vehicle and Factory.
Non vehicle units, AAGun and Construction need only Factory.
Infantry............. 1-2-1 # C3-S2 # Art supported, Airlifted
Paratrooper........ 2-2-1 # C4-S2 # Art supported, Paratrooper
Artillery............. 2-2-1 # C4-S3 # Supports 2 units
ArmoredCar....... 1-1-3 # C4-S3 # Blitz
Halftrack........... 1-1-2 # C4-S3 # Blitz, Support, Transp. Inf+Para+Art+AA+Def
Armour............. 3-3-2 # C5-S3 # Blitz
BigArmour......... 4-4-1 # C8-S5 # Hit 2, Blitz, NoAmphibiousAttack
Katyusha........... 3-1-2 # C5-S3 # Supports 2 units, Blitz
LandTransport... 0-0-3 # C2-S3 # NonCombat, Transports Landunit+AA
Defense............. 0-3-0 # C2-S2 # No own movement, only transported in NC
AAGun.............. 0-1-1 # C5-S3 #
Construction...... 0-0-2 # C6-S5 # Place Bunker and Factory
Air Units -----------------------
Need Aircraft and Factory.
Planes can SBR escort-intercept and air battle before normal battle.
------------------------------------------------------- # COST # ABILITY ---
RangeFighter....... 2-2-6 # YES-YES-YES ... 2-2 # C9 #
Me262................ 1-1-6 # YES-YES-YES ... 4-4 # C9 #
Fighter................ 1-1-4 # YES-YES-YES ... 3-3 # C7 # Carrierspace 2
DiveFighter......... 3-2-4 # YES-YES-YES ... 1-1 # C7 # Carrierspace 2
Bomber............... 4-1-6 # YES-NO-YES ... 2-1 # C12 # Strat.Bomb
BigBomber.......... 5-2-8 # YES-NO-YES ... 3-1 # C15 # Strat.Bomb
AirTransport....... 0-0-6 # YES-NO-YES ... 1-0 # C10 # Para in COMBAT, Inf+Def in NONCOMBAT
Sea Units ---------------------
Need Shipyard and Factory.
TorpedoBoat........ 1-1-3 # C6 #
Submarine........... 2-1-2 # C7 #
Super Sub........... 3-2-2 # C14 # Hit 2
Destroyer............ 2-2-2 # C9 #
Cruiser................ 3-3-2 # C16 # Hit 2, Bombard 2, Transport-only land unit S2
Carrier................. 0-2-2 # C18 # Hit 2, Carriercapacity 6 (3x Space2)
BigCarrier............ 0-2-2 # C27 # Hit 3, Carriercapacity 10 (5x Space2)
Battleship............. 4-4-2 # C27 # Hit 3, Bombard 3
SeaTransport....... 0-0-3 # C10 # Transport-only land units S10
LandingBoat......... 0-0-2 # C6 # Transport+Invade land units S5
Advanced Units ------------------
In this scenario advanced units are used.
Advanced units can't be bought before round 8.
Controlled by trigger.
BigArmour, Me262, Super Sub
Super Sub
RangeFighter, Super Sub, BigCarrier
RangeFighter, Super Sub, BigCarrier
BigArmour, Katyusha
RangeFighter, Super Sub
RangeFighter, Super Sub, BigCarrier
======== TURN ORDER =========[]
Germans - Italians - Finns - Romanians - Yamamoto - Hisaichi - Thai
Russians - British - French - Americans - Chinese - Anzac - Dutch
WW2V3 value=true
WW2V3 Tech Model value=true
Nations: Germans Italians Finns Romanians Yamamoto Hisaichi Thai Russians British French Americans Chinese Anzac Dutch
Units: Infantry Paratrooper Artillery ArmoredCar Halftrack Armour BigArmour Katyusha LandTransport Defense AAGun Construction RangeFighter Me262 Fighter DiveFighter Bomber BigBomber AirTransport TorpedoBoat Submarine SuperSub Destroyer Cruiser Carrier BigCarrier Battleship SeaTransport LandingBoat Bunker Factory Vehicle Aircraft Shipyard